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Alternative Therapy

and re-

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we believe

healing is a science

Trapped energy in the mind, body and emotions manifests as dullness, pain and suffering. Our unique healing system penetrates deep into the unconscious whilst harmonising the body's energetic resonance to aid release and transformation at the most relevant level of need.

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sangha rewards card

Our sangha practitioners have over 30 years experience in alternative therapies. With sangha rewards you can enjoy 50% off a session for every 3 referrals and your 6th session FREE. Soul Science can also be experienced as part of our 3 session Spiritual Transformation Package.

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Available online

Alignment Healing - 1hr 20min

1 hr 20 min • $170 / Payable with plan

  • Healing Pack - 3 Sessions

    Save $63 (normally $510) PLUS enjoy 50% off for every 3 referrals and your 6th session FREE!
    Valid for 6 months
Sunset Buddha Statue
sangha wave

3 session spiritual transformation 


Experience a new level of awe and wonder as you embark on a psychospiritual journey like no other. Combining depth psychology with quantum healing and a scientific approach to understanding the esoteric, our Spiritual Transformation Package is a total harmonic recalibration.

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